Wednesday, October 31, 2018

HW Creativity

New media is just old media made accessible to everyone over digital technologies like our phones and computers. With so many options of digital media available its easy for new media to foster creativity across various platforms. A New Yorker, article written in 2003 gives us the perfect example. In the article, the writer talks about a DJ who created a mash ups between two completely different songs by breaking them down and putting certain aspects of each together. This is a perfect example how new media has opened the doors for creativity, before new media this was not possible because everyone didn't have access to media from anywhere in the world the way we do now. 

Even big companies are producing creativity because of new media. Look at no other than the social platform of Twitter. Through their own platform (which is a form of new media) Twitter has consistently produced creative features based on the patterns and behaviors that people show on its new media platform. Essentially Twitter is "relying on others habits and behaviors to innovate for them."(Miller, 2009) In essence, the uprising of new media has allowed people to communicate and have access to thing they didn't which in return allows them to innovate.

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