Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Even though the creation of new media has allowed mankind to advance in ways never thought possible, there still remains loopholes that cause problems. Social media for example has allowed us to willingly let everyone and anyone in our lives. From the moment that we allow random strangers to follow us to the moment that we post a picture with our location publicly attach to it, we are asking for no privacy. They know that this lack if privacy isn't good for us but they don't care, they make billions of dollars a year on our "lack of privacy". This data that we willingly allow social media sites to collect from us is then turned around to help them sell advertising to big companies. This is how we ended up seeing ads for a product that we searched for on a completely different social media platform. This no privacy world that we love to be apart of also sets us up for failure. Given everybody in this world makes mistakes every once in a while. MOST of us become better people after each mistake we make as we tend to look back and learn from them. Now how does a stupid Facebook post that you made (and regret making) years ago effect your chances of success at landing a job; new media. The lack of privacy on new media channels allows our hopeful employers to search back in time and trace our online identities as far back as our lack of privacy began. Year after year, the epidemic is only getting worse as new generations are born. Among various studies data was found to support the theory that those who are younger care less and less about their privacy. Even in the workplace as studies found out that Millennials tend to care less about prohibited new media usage at work. Its not that younger generations don't want privacy anymore, its that the information that we consider valuable has changed over the course of time.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said about "no privacy". The simple idea of posting a picture and publishing a comment on your Facebook timeline is essentially asking for us to give our a privacy away. From the time that social media started till now, people are always capable of finding loopholes to get around privacies to view content that should not be allowed and I hope this changes.
