Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Next New

This is a tough one to answer because I feel like as of now everything has already been created but we all know that it's never the case. After giving this some serious thought I realized that people wanted to be able to check up on the lives of their friends so Facebook was created. Then people started to love the idea of pictures on social media so then Instagram was created. Afterwards people started to love the idea of sending other people short stories and pictures that would disappear and then SnapChat was created. So my next media idea would be a social media platform focused around comments and discussion. When someone comments on one specific thing on any of their existing social media platforms, the new media platform would copy and paste that comment in a post on the platform with users who are currently speaking about the same thing. This way you can always communicate with someone about any topic from anywhere in the world. I think this platform would be great because it would allow its users to always have someone to talk to about whats on their mind.

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